Sandra Introduction Blog

Published on 6 October 2023 at 19:34

This is a brief introduction about myself. My name is Sandra. I am a beauty and holistic therapist and have been for over 17 years.



I remember when I started my business many years ago, the notion that I believed then, I still have the same ideology today. After completing a treatment I always get positive feedback on how much better they feel. I can recall that on occasions I would explain my idea of what I believed to clients, reiterating the benefits of beauty, massage, and well-being therapies and the impact it has on helping people in a colossal way.


Nowadays you can’t get enough of beauty, massage and well-being, treatments, etc. You can find this information in books, social media, TV, magazines, celebrities, scientific studies, etc.


The next blog I post will explore the different treatments that I offer and their benefits. There will be things you can incorporate into your life and find a salon where you can experience the treatments first-hand. I will also talk about natural vegan products and cosmetics etc.


Good physical and mental health are paramount. How is this achieved and what can you do to improve your physical and mental health? The path to better health is Self-Care. 


What is Self-Care? It is an integral fragment of Wellness and well-being, it is taking steps to achieve good mental and physical health. Several medical research studies have been completed and the results were favourable and concluded that regular therapeutic holistic/wellness treatments made people feel much happier, good, and relaxed in themselves.  There are other facets to Self-Care eg exercise, healthy eating, etc which all help to create an equilibrium balance in your life.

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